Pain oil is the unique oil blends composition, which not only relieve pain but also to provide combination therapy with long-term effect. Used for rheumatism, gout, spinal diseases, spinal vertebra hernia, sports injuries, muscle pain treatment. Excellent help to relax the muscles, removes pain, relieves swelling. Widely used by manual therapy specialists facilitate their work and speeds up the healing process.
The best effect achieved by making applications per night (home using). Small amounts of pain oil gently massage into pet peeve, bandage and leave overnight. To relieve back and spine pain, strong massage with pain oil to pet peeve. After the procedure not recommended for intense physical load and changes in temperature.
Anti Wrinkle Oil
Our skin influenced by many harmful factors (sun, environmental pollution, inadequate food, indoors, nerve stress). With age the cell renewal process in our skin slows down, wrinkles appear, the skin loses its elasticity, radiance and beauty.
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