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Tamarind Indian For Treatment of Malarial Fever

Medical uses
Tamarin is well working treatment in stomach disorders, general body pain, jaundice, and yellow fever, and as blood tonic and skin cleanser. In Eastern traditional medicine, tamarind used for malarial fever, the fruit juice as an antiseptic, and for scurvy and even cough cure. Tamarin easy reduce fever.

Tamarind is used in Ayurvedic medicine for gastric and digestion problems, and in cardio protective activity.

All parts of the plant are used in medicine. Tea that made from leaves reduces malaria fever. Because of its healing properties tamarind used in Ayurvedic treatment for digestive diseases. Tamarind contains many health beneficial substances: calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin, has a number of vitamins, especially rich in vitamin C. Tamarind tea can perfectly improve digestion.

Other uses
In northern Nigeria, fresh stem bark and fresh leaves are used as decoction mixed with potash for the treatment of stomach disorders, general body pain, yellow fever, and as blood tonic and skin cleanser. In Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines and Javanese traditional medicine, leaves are used as an herbal infusion for malarial fever, the fruit tea as an antiseptic, and for scurvy and even cough cure.

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