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The benefits and use of watercress oil

Normalizes metabolism, promotes weight loss (2 teaspoon before meal).  Rucola oil rich in iron (promotes hemoglobin in the blood).Contains vitamin C, glycosides, potassium, group of B vitamins (strengthening the nervous system). Used externally as well as inside. Enhance male sexual potency.Problems with potency: 3 teaspoons during the day. It strengthens the hair follicles, wakes up "dormant" follicles, and used for hair loss. 
In hair loss: 1 teaspoon per day, and rub into the roots of the hair for 2 hours before shampooing.

Rucola has a balanced range of  trace elements (especially iodine). Due to these substances Rucola oil affecting a positive metabolism: improved water-salt metabolism slows down the deposition of salts in the body and removes cholesterol.
 Rucola increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.Used as  disinfectant, expectorant and diuretic.Increases lactation in nursing mothers. Helps normalize the digestive tract.Studies have shown that the rocket is able to protect the stomach lining from damage and effectively reduces the risk of peptic ulcer disease.


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